Problems with the pelvic floor and bladder are rarely life threatening, but they can have a big impact on a woman’s quality of life and relationships. Since making sure you have the care and knowledge you need to lead a fully and healthy life is literally why we get out of bed every morning, we’ve got a department dedicated to treating these issues. Urogynecology is a medical specialty that combines gynecology and aspects of urology to address dysfunction of the pelvic floor, which can affect the bladder, reproductive organs and bowels. In the US, this area of medical practice is also known as Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery.

Treating pelvic floor dysfunction at WHA may involve an initial assessment done by your provider; one of his or her physician colleagues with additional training or expertise in urogynecology; or one of our board-certified female pelvic medicine specialists. We will work with you to find the exact right person for the job. Depending on the nature of your problem, you may choose to try a few initial therapies with your provider and then be referred to a WHA urogynecology specialist if additional time or expertise is required. Addressing your symptoms and regaining the quality of life you desire (and deserve) could involve:

  • Referrals for physical therapy to strengthen, relax or better coordinate the muscles of the pelvic floor—Kegel much?
  • Recommendations for lifestyle or dietary modifications to reduce the causes of urinary and fecal incontinence.
  • A vaginal pessary, which is a plastic device inserted into the vagina to help support the pelvic organs and relieve the symptoms of incontinence.
  • Medication to treat urinary urgency incontinence, chronic constipation or diarrhea.
  • Office procedures to treat overactive bladder, urgency incontinence and stress incontinence.
  • Surgery to support the organs that have dropped. Often, these surgeries can be performed in a minimally invasive way by going through the vagina or through several small incisions—either using traditional laparoscopic surgery or a surgical robot.

See? There are all kinds of treatments and cures for this issue. Together, we will find the best one, or ones, for you and your symptoms.

What's Normal?

Answers you want, questions you may not want to ask.

Our Urogynecology Team

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If you’re pregnant and want to begin care at WHA–or need to schedule an appointment during your pregnancy, call us! Find a provider and location here.

Please have your insurance information handy before you begin scheduling.

This will allow our teams to check whether your plan may require a referral for the care you need or to prepare benefits information to share with you at your visit. If you do not enter insurance information when scheduling, you may be asked to pay a $200-$500 deposit before receiving service.