Reid Bondurant, CNM, MSN - Certified Nurse-Midwife, Midwifery, Hillsboro, OR

Reid Bondurant, CNM, MSN


Certified Nurse-Midwife


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Provider Bio

Reid Bondurant, CNM, is a certified nurse-midwife with Women's Healthcare Associates in Hillsboro, Oregon.

From the Provider

“I am energized by the often busy pace of clinical care and enjoy the variety that is inherent in caring for people with different lived experiences, values, situations, and needs. Despite what else may be going on, my job is to be present for each person and hold space for what they are experiencing and what needs attention in that moment—even if that means our visit looks different than either of us had planned.”

About the Provider

Fascinated by birth from a young age, Reid would beg to tag along to births with her mother, a birth support worker for their community in rural West Virginia. Raised in a family of nurses and healers passionate about their work, she developed an admiration for the nursing ethos and, through her own experiences as a patient, the holistic, collaborative model of nurse-midwifery. A former biology major, she pursued nurse-midwifery for the balance it offered between science, medical care and advocacy for marginalized genders and groups.

Today, Reid aims to provide gender-inclusive and gender-affirming wellness care, as well as trauma-informed obstetric and gynecologic care for all people, including those on the LGBTQIA+ spectrum, those with diverse relationship styles and those who have previously experienced weight-based discrimination in healthcare. She particularly loves seeing people seeking reproductive healthcare for the first time and making sure they have a good experience that sets the stage for a lifetime of positive healthcare interactions. She welcomes discussions about sex and how to have good and pleasurable sexual experiences. Reid practices consent-based pelvic care following the principles of trauma-informed care. For her, this looks like asking for consent before (and throughout) any exam, shared decision making around the necessity of pelvic and breast/chest exams and not using stirrups for almost all of the care she provides.

Reid loves dancing and is an avid solo and partner dancer in her free time. She plays the banjo and fiddle and loves being outdoors—hiking and swimming, in particular. You will find her jumping into the nearest body of water no matter the season, as well as stopping every 10 feet to examine a cool plant or fungus. She has two cats and too many house plants. 


  • Certified Nurse-Midwife, American Midwifery Certification Board, 2021


  • Graduate Degree:

    Master of Nursing, Nurse Midwifery, Oregon Health & Science University, 2021

  • Undergraduate Degree:

    Bachelor of Science, Nursing, Oregon Health & Science University, 2019

  • Undergraduate Degree:

    Bachelor of Arts, Biology, Reed College, 2015

Check Accepted

If you’re pregnant and want to begin care at WHA–or need to schedule an appointment during your pregnancy, call us! Find a provider and location here.

Please have your insurance information handy before you begin scheduling.

This will allow our teams to check whether your plan may require a referral for the care you need or to prepare benefits information to share with you at your visit. If you do not enter insurance information when scheduling, you may be asked to pay a $200-$500 deposit before receiving service.